Move into Calm › Yoga for Athletes › All Levels

  • Resting in the Yin29:40
    Resting in the Yin

    Norman Blair

    A gentle, nourishing and replenishing Yin yoga class in which we stay close to the ground, gently using our bolster to help us to twist gently and relax the organs. This class is perfect to practice before bed, or when we're feeling scattered, or overwhelmed, to help to calm, soothe and relax. You will need a bolster, or a fairly firm pillow, and bricks, or books.

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  • Yin Yoga Hip Stretches32:38
    Yin Yoga Hip Stretches

    Norman Blair

    This Yin Yoga class is all on the ground about the hips, it's perfect for after a long day standing up, for athletic recovery, for after travel or for us sedentary workers who need to stretch out our often-tight hips. Class focuses on Dragonfly pose, which is legs wide when seated and coming forward. Starting with Butterfly pose, class then goes onto hold Dragonfly pose with variations. You may need blocks (or books), bolsters and belts (or dog leads!)

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  • Feel Soothed with Yin Yoga42:20
    Feel Soothed with Yin Yoga

    Norman Blair

    A beautifully peaceful Yin Yoga Class which is soothing and grounding. Move the hips and spine whilst on the ground, feeling held and supported by the ground. Perfect for if your nerves are jangled or if you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Yin yoga is also perfect for athletes who need to stretch out, or those looking to settle and calm before bed or to calm the nerves before or after travel. You may need blankets, bolsters and a block.

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  • The Yang Within The Yin30:24
    The Yang Within The Yin

    Norman Blair

    This Yin Yoga class has more of a yang feel to it. The holds are shorter, and we move off the ground. It's a great class to unravel a tight body in the morning, or as a mid-afternoon stretch break. Starting with dangling forward bend, then moving into squat and gentle movements to gently awaken the body. Then moving to gentle and mindful lunges, this is a Yin yoga class with more of a yang flavour. Perfect to gently unravel at any time of day. You'll need blocks (or a book), a strap.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Introduction06:54
    Yoga for Back Care: Introduction

    Sally Parkes

    Welcome to the Yoga for Back Care. This is an introduction to the course, and may help you to use the classes. If you are currently feeling real back pain, wait until that settles before starting the course and see your health practitioner for their guidance. This introduction helps us to understand the anatomy of the spine, and how our spine works, so that when we practice our classes, we know how we're keeping the spine healthy, the impact our movements have on the sprine, and how we can increase our spinal health, care for our backs better, and reduce back pain.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength19:16
    Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength

    Sally Parkes

    This yoga for back care class is increasingly tougher, building up core strength! This class focuses on building up internal strength and activating the back muscles. This class builds on the back care classes deep core introduction class, the focus on this class is on increasing range of movement whilst activating the outer core, and why being able to activate the core is important for stabilisation of the spine and pelvis. You will need a chair.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles19:44
    Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles

    Sally Parkes

    The yoga for back care class is mostly either seated, on the back or on all fours and includes gentle, supported and floor-based movements to mobilise the shoulders, spine and pelvis. Combine mobilisation with conscious breathing and gentle stretching to release stiffness and increase the feeling of embodiment, really inhabiting and saying 'yes' to your body. Bring awareness to the entire body via the breath before bringing attention to the psoas, lower abdominal area and pelvic floor to practice how to activate and release these muscles, the deep core, in equal measures.

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  • Yoga for Full Body Strength45:34
    Yoga for Full Body Strength

    Clive Fogelman

    This yoga class will strengthen your whole body. Join Clive for an levels class focusing on how we can use our yoga practise to develop strength around both the upper and lower body, covering all the major muscle groups. Perfect for anyone looking to work on building strength and a great complement to anyone who enjoys walking, running, cycling, working out in the gym and other physical activities. A great class for those of us who are moving through the decades to keep our physical strength to prevent osteoporosis.

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  • High Intensity Core Workout 225:03
    High Intensity Core Workout 2

    Clive Fogelman

    Join Clive in this high intensity strengthening workout! It's a tough one, with 20 exercises: 40 seconds on 20 seconds off. We start standing, and as the intensity builds, you'll come closer to the ground, ending with floor based core exercises. It's perfect as a standalone class or you can add it to your favourite sequence to add some core strength. Build it up over time and go at your own pace. Or just take some of the really strong moves and integrate them into your daily life!

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  • Everyday Essentials30:05
    Everyday Essentials

    Lucy McCarthy

    This vinyasa yoga class is a real 101 of the essential yoga poses for a healthy, balanced, daily yoga practice. This class has the main staples in a balanced yoga practice. This class opens the spine in all the different directions, perfect for essential, daily health and wellbeing. Explore the full range of motion from side bending to twists, backbends to forward bends. This class may leave you feeling strong, open and uplifted. You will need a block.

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  • Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips32:18
    Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    The perfect yin yoga class for those of us who spend a lot of time in shoes, standing up or sitting at a desk. It is equally great after a long day's hiking! Use this class to regain mobility in your feet and ankles and nourish your knees and hips. Yin yoga involves long holding of the poses; stay so long as you are comfortable but, as ever, if you feel any discomfort, do come out of the pose. You will need a block.

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  • Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back22:33
    Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back

    Kristin Campbell

    A simple yoga class, perfect as a bookend as a warm up or wind down to the beginning or end of a practice, even perfect as a post-athletic stretch out, or a break during the day. With a focus on with poses that open your shoulders, hips, hamstrings and lower back. You will be doing some seated poses so if you have tender knees or ankles, I recommend having a block for under your pelvis. We use the wall in this practice, so you'll need to be near a wall as a prop. You may want a bolster for legs up the wall, our closing posture, it feels great under the pelvis, it really helps to support hamstring lengthening. You wil need a block and a belt handy.

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