Move into Calm › Stress/Anxiety › Under 10 mins

  • Gratitude Visualisation07:12
    Gratitude Visualisation

    Petra Coveney

    Anhedonia or ‘loss of joy’ is a menopause symptom caused by low oestrogen. But we can reframe our thoughts to help change our feelings. Join Petra in this Gratitude guided visualisation to help you focus on what you feel grateful for and set an intention on something that brings you joy, everyday of your life.

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  • Second Spring: Opening Your Heart08:24
    Second Spring: Opening Your Heart

    Petra Coveney

    Embracing your menopause can foster a positive mindset, which may benefit our moods and mental health. Join Petra for this 5-10 restorative pose called Mountain brook that can help you to breathe more deeply by gently stretching across your chest, and open your heart to opportunities in post menopause Second Spring.

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  • Sound Healing: Heart Coherence05:36
    Sound Healing: Heart Coherence

    Kirsty Nazaré

    This short guided sound healing journey has the intention of returning us to the state of heart coherence. Done regularly, this heart coherence class helps to bring us out of a state of stress or overwhelm into a steady place of balance. This is a great asset to your day and can be done over and over again. This is a sound healing which can be done anytime feelings of anxiety or overwhelm threaten to overtake. This healing can also help to boost health and immunity. We recommend you sit or lie in a comfortable position, do not multi-task; be completely present to the healing. Wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken. Do not drive during any of these sound healing journeys.

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  • Mindfulness To Go08:32
    Mindfulness To Go

    Clive Fogelman

    A short mindfulness exercise for space, body and breath which is perfect for doing anytime, anywhere. Perhaps you're waiting at the bus stop, you're on the train or plane, you're at your desk and feeling overwhelmed, or you're just a few minutes early for an appointment. This class is a really wonderful way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. A ten minute centring exercise that you can do when you are looking to cultivate a feeling of presentness, groundedness and connection. Download this class on the App so you can take it on the go and feel space, body breath, wherever you are!

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  • Soothing Heart Relaxation06:38
    Soothing Heart Relaxation

    Liz Lark

    Find calm during this guided relaxation meditation class. It’s perfect as a supportive, guided savasana for after class, during times of stress, or to soothe your nerves. This is a five elements cave of the heart relaxation.

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  • Easy Hips: 110:00
    Easy Hips: 1

    Leila Sadeghee

    Tight or painful back, legs or hips? Take this easy series with Leila and benefit from this easy to follow straightforward routine. Easy and effective pain relief and maintenance for those of you who are new to yoga, who are working with injuries or those with very limited time. Props: Yoga block or stack of books. Yoga belt or tie/scarf.

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  • Easy Hips: 310:00
    Easy Hips: 3

    Leila Sadeghee

    The final part of the Easy Hips series builds on the series by giving a deeper and fuller variation for spaciousness on the hips and spine. Take this easy series with Leila and benefit from this easy to follow straightforward routine. Easy and effective pain relief and maintenance for those of you who are new to yoga, who are working with injuries or those with very limited time. Props: Blanket or thick towel to roll.

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  • Raise Your Energy with Kapalbhati Breath Work07:25
    Raise Your Energy with Kapalbhati Breath Work

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A wonderful practice for first thing in the morning to raise your energy! This is a breath work class called Skull Shining Breath which is fantastic to improve our focus and energy and get ready for the day. Don't practice on a full stomach or if you're pregnant, and as with any class, don't force anything. Enjoy letting the energy flow!

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  • Yoga for the Workplace: Release Stress09:37
    Yoga for the Workplace: Release Stress

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A short yoga class using the wall, perfect if you're at the office, in a hotel room or short on space and you need to quickly release stress. With neck and shoulder stretches and hamstring releasing you'll find that just a few minutes is all it takes to transform body and mind and give yourself just the refreshing pause in the day you need. You'll just need a wall.

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  • Meditation: Soft Pause10:00
    Meditation: Soft Pause

    Nikita Akilapa

    In the final part in our Introduction to Meditation Series, we start to watch the top and the bottom of our breath. You'll notice that there are round edges to the inhale and exhale, where each breath gently reaches a peak and then gives rise to the next. Either simply watch these spaces between breaths or gently hold for a moment at the top of each inhale, and pause for a moment at the bottom of the exhale.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Solar Plexus07:52
    Tune In Tune Up: The Solar Plexus

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    If you are looking for confidence in your life, help with any anger and healing those who we have hurt, this yoga class will offer a posture and mantra to help you tune into your solar plexus chakra and connect with yourself and others.

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  • Meditation: Counting the Breath07:53
    Meditation: Counting the Breath

    Nikita Akilapa

    In the third part in our Introduction to Meditation series, we start to count the breath. Get settled in a comfortable spot, either sitting or lying down, and begin to count your breaths backwards from 20 to 1. Say to yourself mentally, I am breathing in 20, I am breathing out 20. I am breathing in 19, I am breathing out 19, and so on until you reach 1. If you notice your mind has wandered away from this focus, draw it back. If you lose your count, start again. If you manage to get all the way to 1, try starting at 50 next time. You might want to use this exercise as a tool to anchor an anxious mind any time you feel overwhelmed.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Sacral Centre04:46
    Tune In Tune Up: The Sacral Centre

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    For some creativity, or when you're struggling to let things go in your life, this is the perfect short yoga class. Just two simple, assessible postures combined with sound will help you to let go in your life.

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  • Tune In Tune Up Series: Warm Up03:44
    Tune In Tune Up Series: Warm Up

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Sun salutations to warm up physically and energetically. Energise the body ready for the Tune In Tune Up practices. You will need two bricks.

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  • Tune In Tune Up Series: Introduction03:39
    Tune In Tune Up Series: Introduction

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Yoga has seven doorways of perception for us to alter our reality and thought process. In this series we will explore asana and sound as a way to heal our relationships with others. Please have a blanket ready.

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  • Tune In Tune Up: The Root Centre05:27
    Tune In Tune Up: The Root Centre

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    If you need to feel more grounded in your life, this is the perfect class for you. These two yoga postures with chanting will help you to gain stability anytime you feel overwhelmed and in a whirlwind of thought.

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  • Meditation:Watching the Breath09:10
    Meditation:Watching the Breath

    Nikita Akilapa

    In this first introduction to meditation video we use the breath as our anchor. Learn how to pay close attention to your breath and how it feels in your body; start to explore all its qualities. Get really involved in all its personality - length, depth, temperature, quality. Fully inhabit it. Breathe in, knowing you are breathing in, breathe out, knowing you are breathing out. Use it as an anchor to the present moment. The minute you notice your mind drifting off to something else, make a point of bringing it right back. Keep the focus and enjoy this meditation introduction! Watch the intruction here:

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  • Awareness practice05:49
    Awareness practice

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    In this short tutorial, Adrianna guides you through an awareness practice that can be used alone, but also before each of the restorative yoga classes. Scan the layers of the body (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) to listen into what is present in your body right now, so that it may inform our choices as we move into practice, be it poses, or a place in which to anchor our attention during each pose. A really useful short practice to listen to to connect to yourself before any yoga class, but especially useful for Adrianna's restorative classes.

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