Intermediate/Advanced › 30 to 45 mins › Vanessa Michielon

  • Yoga for Vitality39:04
    Yoga for Vitality

    Vanessa Michielon

    This invigorating and energising Vinyasa flow yoga class clears any lethargy away and reset energy through postures that activate your upper body and improve your balance. Flow through Sun Salutations, Backbends Skandasana and Wild Thing, enjoy a fiesty, challenging and dymanic vinyasa yoga class, then close with a guided relaxation.

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  • Balancing And Brightening Vinyasa42:36
    Balancing And Brightening Vinyasa

    Vanessa Michielon

    This vinyasa flow yoga class is a balancing and stretching class. A fun, creative, playful and stimulating vinyasa flow which includes standing balances to help focus the attention and improve stamina. Postures include Warrior III, Tree Pose, Half Moon and Crow .The class is fairly fast-moving and dynamic, so do pace yourself if needed. You may need a couple of bricks or books.

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  • Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core42:05
    Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core

    Vanessa Michielon

    This challenging, dynamic vinyasa class is a great full body length and stretch, but has the focus on core connection. Connect to the deep abdominals muscles to feel powerful and focused. Warm up with some planks and variations of boat pose, and progress through a dynamic standing sequence incorporating twists and challenging balances. Suggested prop: 2 Yoga bricks

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  • Morning Vinyasa to Awaken The Hips47:50
    Morning Vinyasa to Awaken The Hips

    Vanessa Michielon

    This dynamic Vinyasa yoga flow class is sequenced to create space in our hips and strengthen our lower body with powerful warrior poses and nourishing dynamic stretches. Your whole body will feel alivened, lengthened and stretched. Then class explores variations of Wide legged forward fold and a sequence of seated poses targeting our groin and glutes. Suggested props: 2 bricks.

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  • Dynamic Yoga To Awaken Our Shoulders44:59
    Dynamic Yoga To Awaken Our Shoulders

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen and mobilise the shoulders and upper body with this challenging, dynamic Vinyasa flow. Feel more energised and spacious, especially in the upper body, whilst also mobilising and strengthening the whole body. This is a challenging class, go gently whilst exploring flexibility in the shoulders with binds whilst opening the chest through backbends, including Camel, Locust and Floor Bow Pose. Suggested prop: 1 belt.

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  • Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Mobilise The Spine43:41
    Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Mobilise The Spine

    Vanessa Michielon

    This dynamic vinyasa flow yoga discovers different ways to move the spine and to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. This challenging yoga class features postures such as Cobra, Plough Pose and Reverse Warrior. This is a great class to unwind the whole body and is great for after long periods of time sitting, to unlock tension around your torso. Feel refreshed, taller and at ease in your whole body

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  • Pilates for Strength: Ankle Stability for Balance31:18
    Pilates for Strength: Ankle Stability for Balance

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Pilates-inspired flow focuses on improving the range of motion and creating more strength and mobility in the ankle joints. Good ankle stability and mobility reduces back pain and risk of injuries, and the core work improves strength and is great for back health. You will need an elastic band and a block/book.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Healthy Knees33:58
    Pilates for Strength: Healthy Knees

    Vanessa Michielon

    This well-rounded Pilates-inspired flow class helps to connect to the inner thighs and strengthen the muscles supporting your knees. This is vital to sustain your practice and prevent injuries. Expect a challenging flow for stronger inner thighs muscles as well as working the abdominal muscles. You will need a towel.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Strong Spine in Spirals31:12
    Pilates for Strength: Strong Spine in Spirals

    Vanessa Michielon

    Wake up and mobilise your spine! This Pilates-inspired flow helps you strengthen your whole body with a focus on your obliques; part of your abdominal muscles these are the muscles that help your torso twist. Keep your spine strong, mobile and healthy by learning how to spiral through your spine in a safe way and move with grace and fluidity. You will need an elastic band or strap/belt.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Abdominals & Glutes39:18
    Pilates for Strength: Abdominals & Glutes

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Pilates-inspired flow class strengthens and lengthens the side body, so expect a lovely strong workout for your abdominals, especially your lateral abdominals and your glutes. These are muscles which can be weak in many of us who live a sedentary lifestyle, but it's so necessary to have strength and length for the health of your spine, and feel more spacious in the joints and well balanced in your posture. You might need an optional blanket to pad your knees and an optional chair for your balance.

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  • Pilates for Strength: Strong Hamstrings41:02
    Pilates for Strength: Strong Hamstrings

    Vanessa Michielon

    Get strong with this Pilates-inspired workout with a focus on the core and strengthening the hamstrings. In a world where a sedentary lifestyle leaves many of us are weak in the hamstrings, this class helps us to achieve better pelvic alignment and counterbalances the overworking of the thighs and front body. Expect a challenging and strong Pilates class. You will need a rolled towel and an elastic band or strap/belt you can pull.

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