Hatha Yoga › Travel SOS › Beginners Yoga

We know that yoga can seem intimidating and can seem like it’s a million miles away from what is attainable, achievable or even fun.

We also firmly believe that it really doesn’t matter how long your hamstrings are or whether you can touch your knees or toes or if you’re already in the cirque de soleil. Really that’s not what yoga is about. So what is yoga about?

To Movement for Modern Life, yoga is simply a tool. It is a tool which is guaranteed to make you feel better. Guaranteed. Starting with a little stretch and a little strength, you will find you feel a lot better in your body, and then you may start to breathe. You may start to feel some space in your head. In your life. You may start to feel that things feel possible that you never even knew were. But don’t take our word for it. Just get moving. Forwards ever, backwards never. Get moving and keep on moving a little bit every day. We have online yoga videos to ensure that you don’t have to even go out... Show more


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  • Yoga for the Workplace: Release Stress09:37
    Yoga for the Workplace: Release Stress

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A short yoga class using the wall, perfect if you're at the office, in a hotel room or short on space and you need to quickly release stress. With neck and shoulder stretches and hamstring releasing you'll find that just a few minutes is all it takes to transform body and mind and give yourself just the refreshing pause in the day you need. You'll just need a wall.

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  • Everybody Flows: Happy Hips & Hamstrings18:42
    Everybody Flows: Happy Hips & Hamstrings

    Adam Hocke

    This yoga class helps to mobilise and feel your hamstrings and the full circumference of your hips, especially if you feel tight or restricted in these regions. To make this class more accessible if you feel inflexible, we will spend a good portion of the practice supine on our backs. You can use this as a preparation for standing poses or to stretch areas of the body which might feel tight after travel, spending long times seated or after running or cycling. You will need a strap, a yoga block or a folded blanket.

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  • Hamstrings, Hips and Lower Back Maintenance15:20
    Hamstrings, Hips and Lower Back Maintenance

    Kristin Campbell

    This lower back maintenance gentle yoga class takes place supine in entirety and is perfect for those of us who have tight hamstrings due to sports, if you've just spent time travelling, or just sitting at a desk, so many of us tighten in our hamstrings! This yoga class focuses upon 'Active Hamstring' stretches. If you have lower back pain, often this can be a result of tightness in the hamstrings, so we hope that this class will help. This simple but incredibly effective yoga class teaches safe hamstring stretches, all on your back, so perfect for many injuries and recovering from colds and periods of sickness too. You will need a strap.

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  • Healthy Back (6) Upper Back and Neck08:57
    Healthy Back (6) Upper Back and Neck

    Lizzie Reumont

    A gentle class taking place entirely whilst seated, this simple but very effective yoga class to 'unstick' tight shoulders and the neck. Often our neck and shoulders are contorted with use of technology. This sequence finds length in the both sides of the neck and through the shoulder blades. You will need two blocks.

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  • Healthy Back (5) Spinal Torsion Supine07:32
    Healthy Back (5) Spinal Torsion Supine

    Lizzie Reumont

    A simple, but surprisingly tough completely supine yoga class to help with back care. This twisting and strengthening class will help to mobilise your spine. You will need a belt.

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  • Healthy Back (4) The Middle Spine16:41
    Healthy Back (4) The Middle Spine

    Lizzie Reumont

    The middle spine is often overlooked in our back care. This yoga class uses twists and standing poses to gently mobilise the middle spine. You will need two yoga bricks.

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  • Healthy Back (3) Supine hips and lower back17:06
    Healthy Back (3) Supine hips and lower back

    Lizzie Reumont

    A lovely and gentle class all on the back, to create space in the hips and lower back. A perfect class for winding down and getting ready for bed, as well as for when travelling, after a day at the desk, or for when you've had to be seated for long periods.

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  • Gentle Yoga For Travel23:55
    Gentle Yoga For Travel

    Catherine Annis

    This all-levels, gentle yoga class is perfect class to relax and ground you, whilst gently mobilsing your joints to help you to recover from travel and is wonderful for sorting the body and mind to help combat the effects of jet lag, but the class is also a perfect antidote for any long periods of sitting, and when you just need deep nourishment. Perfect if you’ve travelled, or if you’ve had a long day at a desk, this class stretches your spine and hips, decompressing your lower back, stretching your hamstrings, You will need a bolster and access to a chair or any furniture you can put your feet on!

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  • Happiness Toolkit Part (2): Hip Openers19:59
    Happiness Toolkit Part (2): Hip Openers

    Sylvia Garcia

    The second part of the Happiness Toolkit are poses to lift your mood. The focus here is on hip-opening, perfect if you have a sedentary job or have been travelling a lot, or are an athlete and have been working on your strength. This flexibility class gives strong hamstring stretches, forward bends, and hip opening in pigeon pose. An all levels class. Beginners will need to be disciplined and not explore the 'edges' of all the modifications. Intermediates have plenty of modifications to keep their flexibility challenged!

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  • Express Hamstrings13:39
    Express Hamstrings

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A class that takes place entirely on the wall for lengthening your hamstrings. Ideal if you've just had a day seated, travelling or at work, or after running or cycling, which can really shorten your hamstrings - poses which are ideal for lengthening the hamstrings, not if you have any hamstring injuries, but pefect for gentle lengthening and for relieving lower back pain. You will need two yoga bricks.

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  • Hips and Hamstrings For All36:14
    Hips and Hamstrings For All

    Clive Fogelman

    An athlete's class and also wonderful for those who have just been driving, on a flight or been sitting for too long. The hips and the hamstrings are targeted in relaxing, supine stretches. This class is wonderful for your lower back and will give you spaciousness back in your spine and hips from the hamstring stretches.

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  • Yoga For Jet Lag25:00
    Yoga For Jet Lag

    Lucy McCarthy

    A gentle, rejeuvenating hatha yoga class ideal for getting your jet-lagged body back to form. With poses great for assisting circulation, reducing swelling and unravelling the hips after long periods of sitting, this yoga class is perfect for grounding after travel. You will need blocks and access to a chair or support to prop the feet up on.

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  • After Work Or Travel - Rebalance And Restore44:35
    After Work Or Travel - Rebalance And Restore

    Kate Walker

    A cleverly sequenced and rather beautiful simple yoga class to restore and rebalance your spine after you have been sitting at a desk, sitting in an aeroplane or driving for long periods of time. Suitable for beginners and those tired after a long day. You will need soft blocks and a strap.

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  • Relax and Restore Post-Flight21:27
    Relax and Restore Post-Flight

    Zephyr Wildman

    This supine yoga class, mostly with the legs up the wall will help the body recover from flights by reducing swelling in the legs and feet. This class encourages deep release from tension inducing flights, draining of the fluid and restoration of the circulation for the legs and hips. The poses and relaxation will help you feel fully 'landed' in your new destination. You will need to be near a wall and keep a block or a book and a strap handy.

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