Gentle Yoga › Re-charge Fatigue › Clive Fogelman

We're so sorry you are feeling tired but you have come to the right place for a pick me up. These classes are for when it is almost to much to even roll out your mat. Whether you’re recovering from injury or illness, you are differently abled, you have a low energy syndrome, you’re getting on a bit or you’re just a bit tired right now, these classes will provide a gentle way to move, included some seated yoga classes. We promise these videos will not ask too much of you physicaly or mentally and when you are done you will feel better, warmer, glad that you came.  Remember that our Yin and Restorative Section might be a good option for you today and that Breath-work is available to all bodies as is Meditation and Show more


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  • Hatha Yoga to Feel Invigorated25:09
    Hatha Yoga to Feel Invigorated

    Clive Fogelman

    This hatha yoga class is all about using our practise to invigorate the body and mind. We will explore some side bending, twisting and strengthening movements to activate and open up the body. Leave the class feeling energised, uplifted and ready to tackle the day ahead.

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  • Morning Yoga Week 3 - REPLAY Weekly Live Class47:49
    Morning Yoga Week 3 - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 3 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  • Neck and Shoulders22:55
    Neck and Shoulders

    Clive Fogelman

    Most of us experience pain in our neck and shoulders. Perhaps it from from sitting for long periods, using mobile phones and laptops or sometimes pain in the neck and shoulders can be from stresses from dealing with the challenges that we expereince in our lives. This classes targets the neck and shoulder with a combination of 10 stretches and movements for releasing tension, creating mobility and openess. A great daily practise or something you can integrate a few times a week in addition to your other practices. Can be done from sitting or standing and practised anywhere!

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  • Post Travel Wind Down14:09
    Post Travel Wind Down

    Clive Fogelman

    A perfect travel yoga class to practise anywhere, anytime and after any type of travel. There is no need for a mat, just access to a wall and a chair. You can do these stretches in a small space; perfect for the hotel room. These gentle stretches will target those parts of the body that typically most feel tight after travelling. They are also really useful for grounding yourself when you arrive in a new space or destination.

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  • Restorative Pick Me Up15:31
    Restorative Pick Me Up

    Clive Fogelman

    With no equipment needed and minimal space required, this restorative yoga class is perfect to recharge, reset and renew. Just find some space wherever you are, whether that's at home or at work! Often restorative yoga is done in the evening or on the weekend but it can be a great practise during the day too. This class uses gentle movements to release tension and recharge fatigue. As well as releasing physical tension it can help balance our emotional and mental states leaving us feeling more focused and refreshed for the day ahead.

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