Gentle Yoga › Move into Calm › Back and Shoulders

“You are only as old as your spine”

Goes the saying. It’s really important for you to keep your spine moving so that it stays strong, healthy and flexible. But you knew that already. These videos are great if you have a desk job and don’t move as much as you could, or if you already have stiff spine, shoulders or hips. Just remember to do the practices in these videos. Every day. We have got videos of different lengths here so you don’t need to put your back out trying to fit it in your schedule.

We don’t guarantee that you’ll be ready to join the Chinese circus, but we think that your back will appreciate the extra loving you give it and will reward you with less pain. You’ll start feeling that your life has some backbone, quite literally. This will lead to you making better decisions, possibly leading a life from a position of courage. You may start to feel your back is longer, you may start to sit up taller, you may start to notice when you slump or st... Show more


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  • Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders 35:02
    Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders

    Margi Young

    A relaxed, contentment-inducing flow, perfect for anytime of day. Focus of the class is on shoulder and neck releases. Try this class after a busy day's work, after a long drive or travel, or to start the day feeling relaxed and open in the heart and shoulders. This class begins reclined over two blocks to begin the process of opening the front of the shoulders, lungs and heart. Move into some neck releases and twists, all with an emphasis on freedom of the shoulder area. After a few standing poses, the class ends with a supported inversion and hip opener. Props: 2 Blocks and a strap

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  • Yoga for Back Pain Relief 31:31
    Yoga for Back Pain Relief

    Vanessa Michielon

    A wonderful class for Prenatal back pain, suitable for all trimesters. This class can also suit most of us for most stages in life! Back pain and back stiffness is common during pregnancy, but also for all of us who live sedentary, modern lives. This class is the perfect antidote! Embrace gentle movements like thread the needle pose, open twists, oyramid pose and Happy Baby, which promote spinal flexibility and tension relief. The practice gracefully closes with heart-opening poses like Camel Pose and Bridge, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and empowered to navigate the physical changes of pregnancy with ease. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Strengthen the Knees and Back22:41
    Strengthen the Knees and Back

    Norman Blair

    This thereapeutic gentle yoga class helps to strengthen the back and knees to help prevent injury. Starting in constructive rest, then butterfly, the rest of the class is somatics to gently strengthen. But all done subtly and gently. After the lying down practice, at the beginning, there are standing exercises to strengthen the backs and knees. This class really is highly recommended for those with knee issues, to gently stretch the hips and tighten the knees. You may need blocks and a brick.

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  • Neck and Shoulders22:55
    Neck and Shoulders

    Clive Fogelman

    Most of us experience pain in our neck and shoulders. Perhaps it from from sitting for long periods, using mobile phones and laptops or sometimes pain in the neck and shoulders can be from stresses from dealing with the challenges that we expereince in our lives. This classes targets the neck and shoulder with a combination of 10 stretches and movements for releasing tension, creating mobility and openess. A great daily practise or something you can integrate a few times a week in addition to your other practices. Can be done from sitting or standing and practised anywhere!

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  • Your Calming Yoga Practice35:41
    Your Calming Yoga Practice

    Adam Hocke

    This yoga class helps to ground and calm an anxious body or mind and bring us back to the present moment. Start with some grounding self-massage, then move gently with simple, repetitive, and breath-led movements to stabilise the nervous system. Additionally, we will pay particular attention to releasing tension in the head, neck, and shoulders to bring about a profound sense of relaxation and ease. This class is perfect after a long day or when we're overwhelmed. You will need a narrow block or a folded blanket and a brick.

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  • Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body50:03
    Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body

    Petra Coveney

    A soothing and calming yoga class to cool hot flushes and help you surrender to the natural process of change associated with the perimenopause and menopause. Expect hip opening stretches and simple somatic movements through the spine which lead to a restorative yoga practice, followed by a deep relaxation, a guided meditation and a mantra. This class is taught wholly on the floor and is very gentle and grounding. It is designed to help you befriend your body with kindness and self-compassion at a time when your body is transforming and can feel out of your control. You will need a yoga mat, a strap or belt, 1 bolster and 2 cushions (or household equivalents), and 2 blocks (or thick books). NB - Modifications: take extra care with hip and knee injuries. Osteoporosis: avoid flexion rounding your back in forward folds; keep your spine straight. Trauma: please note that hip opening poses and stretches across the chest can release tension but may also trigger trauma. Follow your own breathing pace, pause the practice when needed and find a comfortable resting pose.

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  • Your Daily Shoulder, Neck & Head Practice17:51
    Your Daily Shoulder, Neck & Head Practice

    Adam Hocke

    This short yoga class mobilises, strengthens, and relaxes the shoulders and neck through their full range of motion. This is so important for our sedentary lives, and is a vital class for when you've ben busy at work, when you're feeling overwhelmed or when you're travelling. Additionally, you will give yourself a face, head, and jaw massage to help you release tension and find calm. Practise this class regularly as a preparation for your time on your mat or simply to feel good in your body. You will need a yoga brick or block.

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  • Quick Fix Hatha12:23
    Quick Fix Hatha

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This hatha yoga class is a simple series of five yoga poses. If you have time for nothing else, this is the perfect class. All poses are lying down or seated and you'll need a timer. Take your time to get into each pose, pause the video and take long, smooth breaths. Enjoy the spaciousness in your spine and peace with nothing to look at and no instruction, just you in a guided self-practice. A great class if you if you have limited space and time for practicing yoga.

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  • Yoga for the Workplace: Release Stress09:37
    Yoga for the Workplace: Release Stress

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A short yoga class using the wall, perfect if you're at the office, in a hotel room or short on space and you need to quickly release stress. With neck and shoulder stretches and hamstring releasing you'll find that just a few minutes is all it takes to transform body and mind and give yourself just the refreshing pause in the day you need. You'll just need a wall.

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  • Yoga for the Workplace: Ease Tension08:54
    Yoga for the Workplace: Ease Tension

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Gently ease tension in your body whilst you're at work or when you're seated. This gentle chair yoga class focuses on stretches to ease the body and mind during stressful times at work. It is also an ideal class if your mobility is limited, if floor or standing poses aren't possible for you right now or if you have limited space and you need to ease tension and stretch out.

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  • Unwind & Declutter40:03
    Unwind & Declutter

    Catherine Annis

    A simple, Scaravelli class which teaches us how yoga can help to empty us. This class is perfect if you're feeling busy, anxious or overwhelmed. Just as we create space and de-clutter our house, it's also useful to de-clutter our minds and bodies as you move towards stillness. This class is almost entirely supine, working with bridge position - just exploring the space in the pelvis, the spine and the shoulders, and stretching hamstrings, then we move into standing postures . You will need a strap and a blanket.

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  • Healthy Back (3) Supine hips and lower back17:06
    Healthy Back (3) Supine hips and lower back

    Lizzie Reumont

    A lovely and gentle class all on the back, to create space in the hips and lower back. A perfect class for winding down and getting ready for bed, as well as for when travelling, after a day at the desk, or for when you've had to be seated for long periods.

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  • Free the Spine14:56
    Free the Spine

    Lucy McCarthy

    Free the Spine - the mind will follow! This short practice will give your back the welcome break it needs from hunching, rounding and slouching all day at your desk or in your car. Simple exercises give your spine and shoulders opening and length. I was at least 10 foot tall after doing this practice. All you need is a block or something to sit on.

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