Back and Shoulders › All Levels › Vanessa Michielon

  • Yoga for Back Pain Relief 31:31
    Yoga for Back Pain Relief

    Vanessa Michielon

    A wonderful class for Prenatal back pain, suitable for all trimesters. This class can also suit most of us for most stages in life! Back pain and back stiffness is common during pregnancy, but also for all of us who live sedentary, modern lives. This class is the perfect antidote! Embrace gentle movements like thread the needle pose, open twists, oyramid pose and Happy Baby, which promote spinal flexibility and tension relief. The practice gracefully closes with heart-opening poses like Camel Pose and Bridge, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and empowered to navigate the physical changes of pregnancy with ease. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)27:58
    Prenatal Pilates - Arms and Back focus (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Strengthen the upper body, arms and back. Using an elastic band, or a long strap, or tins of beans work just fine too, this class targets your arms and back muscles. You will begin with standing arm exercises, such as biceps curls and triceps work, and explore further upper body focused patterns, including safe modified press-ups on your knees and triceps dips, with variations to suit your energy levels. The practice will help you improve your posture and strengthen your back, so that you can better accommodate the changes your body is going through, and reduce back discomfort and weakness. Suggested prop: long elastic band or tins of beans! If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Morning Flow for Lightness and Ease01:00:32
    Morning Flow for Lightness and Ease

    Vanessa Michielon

    A beautifully sequenced well rounded vinyasa yoga class, perfect to gently energise in the mornings, with a focus on the shoulders and hips, keeping them mobile and ready for the day. This standing yoga flow lengthens tight muscles and create space in our whole body through the repetition of gentle movements in connection with the breath. Class begins with fluid patterns to lubricate our hips and shoulders, then progresses to half sun salutations and continues with easeful standing movements and balances. We finish with a series of supported floor-based postures and a guided breathing meditation to relieve stress and facilitate the shift into the rest and digest state of our nervous system.

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  • Barre Workout: Strength, Core and Posture45:50
    Barre Workout: Strength, Core and Posture

    Vanessa Michielon

    This Barre class workout is all about maintaining length in the neck and whole spine even when practicing challenging movements. With a focus on shoulder stabilisation, the sequences will offer opportunities to strengthen the whole body while cultivating optimal posture. This is a great, full body workout and is perfect to work on posture whilst strengthening. You will need a chair or sturdy piece of furniture and possibly a small looped band, or a yoga strap.

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  • Yoga for Stress Relief: Neck Release40:00
    Yoga for Stress Relief: Neck Release

    Vanessa Michielon

    When the muscles of our neck are chronically tight we are more likely to maintain our nervous system in a state of stress. On the contrary, when we allow them to soften, our body and mind can more easily shift into a calm state. This floor-based yoga flow is specifically designed to help you release tension from your neck and shoulders, so you can feel more spacious and relaxed. This class is perfect for when you're busy at work, when you're feeling overwhelmed, when you've been driving a lot or are feeling stressed. This calming yoga practice will help you create more space and relaxation in your neck and stabilise your shoulders as you move.

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  • Pilates for Shoulder Stability and Neck Relaxation27:26
    Pilates for Shoulder Stability and Neck Relaxation

    Vanessa Michielon

    A Pilates class for the shoulders and neck to build strength and mobility to help you find full range of movement to prevent injury. It will also help create more space and relaxation in your neck and stabilise your shoulders as you move. We will both clarify the upper body alignment of some common Pilates exercises (planks, shoulder bridges, the Roll up) and use an elastic band (or a sock!) to create deeper connection in the side body and upper back muscles, so that your neck and head can move more freely and without excess tension. A great class to refine technique, as well as for those of us who spend time at our desk or travelling.

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