All Levels › Over 60 mins › Zephyr Wildman

  • Slow Flow With Yoga Philosophy01:06:48
    Slow Flow With Yoga Philosophy

    Zephyr Wildman

    A wonderfully balanced slow flow yoga class but with a difference. This class clearly explains how the philosophy of yoga can be integrated into the physical practice. This yoga class is steeped in the guidance of the ancient sage Patanjali, inspiring us to create an asana, how to practice and the results of practice. The goal is to deepen your meaning into the why and how, and to benefit from your dedicated absorption while practicing yoga. A wonderful full-body, all round practice.

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  • Live at Yoga Garden Party: Rebalance with the Prana Vayus01:00:20
    Live at Yoga Garden Party: Rebalance with the Prana Vayus

    Zephyr Wildman

    This class on the Prana-Vayus is an experiential exploration into your breath-work. A must for all practitioners! Prana is lifeforce and Vayus mean the vehicle to experience the lifeforce. Starting with a short talk on the role of prana in the body, the class moves into some slow, steady vinyasa and then further breath-work followed by a long guided meditation. A truly balancing, calming and energising class, deeply rooted in the origins of yoga, perfect for finding out more about this beautiful practice. Suitable for all levels.

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