All Levels › 30 to 45 mins › Gabriella Espinosa

  • Yoga for Menopause Anger: Fierce Power31:02
    Yoga for Menopause Anger: Fierce Power

    Gabriella Espinosa

    Anger and rage are common during menopause. This may surprise to you and those around you. We've been taught to believe that anger is a negative emotion that shouldn't be expressed so we bottle it up until it explodes or mask it and this can cause us internal conflict. In this menopause yoga class we learn to work with anger as a positive force for healing, empowerment and healthy communication. Using the power of breath, sound, somatic enquiry and movement we will give space to our anger and allow it to be felt, moved, and released. The class will take place seated and standing, the first part of the class takes place entirely seated. You can also lie down for this part. The second part has us adopt yoga poses accessible to most bodies. Transform your anger into fierce power!

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  • Gentle stretching to cool and unwind37:48
    Gentle stretching to cool and unwind

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This gentle, all-levels hatha yoga class works with forward bends and pranayama (breath work) to cool the body and calm the busy mind. A perfect class to take as a middle of the day work-break, if the day is feeling overwhelming, or to gently calm at the end of the day. Gentle stretching is a wonderful way to destress and enhance feelings of safety in the body. Stretching triggers a host of physiological reactions including increased blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, hydrating surrounding connective tissue, releasing feel good chemicals such as endorphins and activating the parasympathetic nervous system - the rest and digest mode. Props needed: yoga mat, chair, blanket

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  • Yoga to Rest & Digest: The Vagus Nerve38:02
    Yoga to Rest & Digest: The Vagus Nerve

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This yoga class uses simple practices to resource and reset the nervous system using breath, sound, gentle movement and massage to stimulate the vagus nerve and encourage deep relaxation. Either follow the class in full or learn the practices which resonate with you to be done in your own time. The vagus nerve acts as a “super information highway” communicating between the brain and our body’s systems regulating our mood, digestion, heart rate and hormones. The vagus nerve balances our nervous system by switching on our parasympathetic 'rest and digest' mode and influences how we connect and feel safe with others. You will need a bolster, blanket, tennis ball and/or soft pilates ball. Gabriella uses a Yoga Tune Up Coregeous Ball.

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  • Yoga for Restful Sleep34:53
    Yoga for Restful Sleep

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This peaceful, calming yoga class for sleep relaxes both body the mind with restorative yoga postures to ease tension. Try this class before bed to invite a restful state before drifting off peacefully into a deep sleep. Research has highlighted how important sleep is for cognitive health and longevity; it helps our body repair and heal, our nervous system to recharge and our mind to reset by letting go of the day’s concerns. You will need a bolster, eye pillow and a blanket.

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  • Pelvic Floor Awareness Tutorial31:03
    Pelvic Floor Awareness Tutorial

    Gabriella Espinosa

    Get to know your pelvic floor. What is it? Where is it? This yoga class is a guide to pelvic floor awareness through breath, visualisation, palpation and movement. The pelvic floor is the ground of our being, supports how we stand, walk, control elimination and experience pleasure. It is our entry into the world, the seat of our creative power and where we find home in our bodies. Stress and our busy lives disconnect us from this part of our bodies. We usually do not pay much attention to the pelvic floor until we experience pain, discomfort or symptoms such as incontinence. Cultivating awareness of your pelvic floor is essential for befriending this part of your body. You will need a bolster, 2 blankets, 2 cork bricks (or books, if you don't have them) and a belt.

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