All Levels › 20 to 30 mins › Deanne Oram

  • Heart Opening Sequence22:16
    Heart Opening Sequence

    Deanne Oram

    Reorganise the weight in your changing body. So often the chest gets heavy and sinks during pregnancy. This sequence will bring yourself back into balance, give energy and vitality to the shoulders and neck and re-stabilise your upperbody to lower body ratio. You will need blocks, a bolster, a blanket for the knees when on alll fours. Anyone with pelvic girdle issues should take care during leg lifts. Deanne will offer modifications.

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  • Moon Sequence For Pregnancy26:25
    Moon Sequence For Pregnancy

    Deanne Oram

    A largely standing pose moon yoga sequence. It can be practiced in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it's fantastic for safely gently energising during pregnancy. A wonderful alternative to Sun Salutations! Perfect for all trimesters but those suffering with pelvic pain in the 3rd trimester may need to modify squats. Deanne will give guidance during the video.

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