Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the name given to all physical yoga postures and breathing techniques to prepare the body for meditation. However, hatha yoga is commonly known for yoga with an emphasis on steadiness, so expect more static poses and longer yoga pose holds. The slower pace of Hatha classes makes it suitable for beginners, however it also provides a focus for more advanced practitioners and the possibility to explore the merging of breath, mind and body. Hatha Yoga provides the basis for many other forms of yoga including ashtanga yoga, vinyasa yoga, power yoga, yin yoga and restorative yoga. You may wish to follow your practice with yoga nidra, meditation or relaxation.


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  • Yoga for Runners: Hamstrings & Calves33:35
    Yoga for Runners: Hamstrings & Calves

    Clive Fogelman

    This yoga for runners Hatha yoga class explores a range of movement to active, engage and strengthen the hamstrings and calves and the second half will focus on stretching the hamstrings and calves. This class is perfect for athletes, particularly runners, walkers and cyclists. Also great for those of us who just need a good stretch! A couple of bricks or books might be helpful for this class.

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  • Hatha Yoga to Feel Invigorated25:09
    Hatha Yoga to Feel Invigorated

    Clive Fogelman

    This hatha yoga class is all about using our practise to invigorate the body and mind. We will explore some side bending, twisting and strengthening movements to activate and open up the body. Leave the class feeling energised, uplifted and ready to tackle the day ahead.

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  • Yoga for Back Pain Relief 31:31
    Yoga for Back Pain Relief

    Vanessa Michielon

    A wonderful class for Prenatal back pain, suitable for all trimesters. This class can also suit most of us for most stages in life! Back pain and back stiffness is common during pregnancy, but also for all of us who live sedentary, modern lives. This class is the perfect antidote! Embrace gentle movements like thread the needle pose, open twists, oyramid pose and Happy Baby, which promote spinal flexibility and tension relief. The practice gracefully closes with heart-opening poses like Camel Pose and Bridge, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and empowered to navigate the physical changes of pregnancy with ease. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Morning Yoga Week 3 - REPLAY Weekly Live Class47:49
    Morning Yoga Week 3 - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 3 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  •  Morning Yoga Week 2 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class45:52
    Morning Yoga Week 2 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 2 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  • Hip Opening Yoga Flow41:38
    Hip Opening Yoga Flow

    Vanessa Michielon

    Our hips can suffer if we live a sedentary life, if we drive a lot, or we're athletic. This gentle, all-levels hip-opening slow flow is perfect for a prenatal practice (in any trimester), or for any of us with hips! This beautiful class gently mobilises and opens the hips and strengthens the lower body with wide legged forward bend, goddess pose and poses to open, strengthen and stabilise the hips, wonderful for pregnancy and for all of us. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Morning Yoga Week 1 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class50:44
    Morning Yoga Week 1 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 1 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  • Stress Relief: Stretches and Breathwork35:43
    Stress Relief: Stretches and Breathwork

    Vanessa Michielon

    Embrace a peaceful, slowed down hatha class practice of breathwork and gentle seated hatha yoga to release muscular tension and flood your body with feel good hormones. Through Golden Thread Breathing, you are invited to slow down your exhalation, fostering a deep sense of relaxation. A sequence of seated and floor-based stretches targeting the neck, shoulders, back, pelvic floor and hips will then help you relieve muscular discomfort and feel more centred and relaxed. Suggested props: 2 bricks and 1 strap. Perfect for pregnant bodies in all trimesters, and all of us who have busy lives and would benefit from soothing the nervous system with stretching. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Sofa Yoga17:11
    Sofa Yoga

    Jean Hall

    A beautifully calming yoga class, which is to be done with the help of a sofa. A perfect class for a sunday morning, or anytime you need to really chill, breathe deeply and take it easy. With the favourite pose of inversion over the back of the sofa. What's not to love. A great class to relax, for all abilities and mobilities.

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  • Morning Vinyasa Flow 3: Replay of Live Class45:20
    Morning Vinyasa Flow 3: Replay of Live Class

    Lucy McCarthy

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, well rounded vinyasa flow class to gently energise. There is plenty of breath work and movement to warm the body. The class focuses on back bending. It explores the delight of working on foundational alignment principles for backbends to create freedom in the lower back and expansion and ease in the chest and heart. This is part 3 of a 3-part online series of live classes with the MFML community.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Strong and Empowered36:20
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Strong and Empowered

    Clive Fogelman

    A Hatha yoga class to strengthen, enliven and feel empowered to start the day. An energising boost to start your day with a bang. This class starts on the back with core strengthening work, and continues on to a strengthening flow. This class is full of awakening and energising movements to make us feel strong and motivated to continue into the rest of our day.

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  • Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints44:23
    Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints

    Sally Parkes

    Pilates and Yoga for healthy, mobile and strong hip joints. If you're a regular yoga practitioner, or you sit for long periods, you may have weaker muscles in the areas surrounding the hips. This class uses Pilates and yoga moves to strengthen the hips by moving the body in different planes of motions and at different speeds. A great class for most of us who have weaker hip and glute muscles. You may use an exercise band, if you have one, but it's not necessary for the class, and some exercises are done next to the wall.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Grounded22:11
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Grounded

    Clive Fogelman

    This morning hatha yoga class is sequenced designed to start your day feeling really grounded and settled. When we are grounded, we can make better decisions, and can be more present to the here and now of whatever may arise in the day, so that we can respond to the events of the coming day clarity and focus. The class focuses on the breath and with the connection on the ground starting with standing in mountain pose. Learn to cultivate a slow, steady breath through class and throughout your day, to create a grounding feeling. There is a focus on the breath and poses that really enhance a grounded and rooted experience, helping you cultivate clarity and focus for the rest of the day

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  • Gentle stretching to cool and unwind37:48
    Gentle stretching to cool and unwind

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This gentle, all-levels hatha yoga class works with forward bends and pranayama (breath work) to cool the body and calm the busy mind. A perfect class to take as a middle of the day work-break, if the day is feeling overwhelming, or to gently calm at the end of the day. Gentle stretching is a wonderful way to destress and enhance feelings of safety in the body. Stretching triggers a host of physiological reactions including increased blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, hydrating surrounding connective tissue, releasing feel good chemicals such as endorphins and activating the parasympathetic nervous system - the rest and digest mode. Props needed: yoga mat, chair, blanket

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  • Yoga for Hips and Shoulders30:02
    Yoga for Hips and Shoulders

    Norman Blair

    If you've been working at a computer or spending time sitting whilst travelling, this class is the perfect antidote freeing your hips and shoulders and regaining mobility, gently. Most of this gentle hatha yoga class is seated and can even be done in a chair, stretching the shoulders. Then the hips practice is the second half and the hip stretches are butterfly pose variations on the floor. You'll need blocks (or books) and a blanket or towel and a strap.

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  • Love Your Body: Affirmations, Breath and Flow56:19
    Love Your Body: Affirmations, Breath and Flow

    Gabriella Espinosa

    Connect to your body, gain more confidence with your body. In this class we work with the power of affirmations, breathwork and a gentle slow flow vinyasa yoga to learn to appreciate all the amazing things our bodies can do. Our bodies go through a lot of change during our lives and especially during menopause - so much so that you feel your body has let us down or betrayed. Yoga teaches us that our bodies are “sukrta” or well-made just the way they are. You might need a Journal, pen, yoga mat and bolster/cushion

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  • Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm26:23
    Calming Anxiety and Overwhelm

    Petra Coveney

    Low oestrogen affects ability to produce the hormones that make us feel happy and calm, and causes low brain energy that affect our mental focus, memory and make us feel overwhelm. Join Petra for this simple class to calm anxiety and overwhelm. It includes gentle movement to improve vagal nerve tone, Ocean breath with sound to soothe your nervous system, a restorative Supported Child’s pose with the option to ‘retreat from the world,’ and two breathing and meditation practices: Mind Meets The Breath and Ladder Breath.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Openness26:07
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Openness

    Clive Fogelman

    A sense of open body and mind is essential to get the most out of life. Being open to all that life throws at us, as well as being physically open, flexible and strong helps us to feel like we can take on all of life's challenges. This hatha yoga class is designed to create openness and spacious in the body and mind. Starting with a bridge pose sequence for a feeling of openness in the chest and heart, moving to supine twists and gate pose to open up the side body. Then a beautiful sequence of gently paced standing poses, giving plenty of time for long breaths in all yoga poses, to connect with the spaciousness in the body. The class explores both openness within the body and that can support an openness to our mind and how we move forward from our practise into the rest of the day.

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