Hatha Yoga › Build Strength

  • Yoga for Runners: Hamstrings & Calves33:35
    Yoga for Runners: Hamstrings & Calves

    Clive Fogelman

    This yoga for runners Hatha yoga class explores a range of movement to active, engage and strengthen the hamstrings and calves and the second half will focus on stretching the hamstrings and calves. This class is perfect for athletes, particularly runners, walkers and cyclists. Also great for those of us who just need a good stretch! A couple of bricks or books might be helpful for this class.

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  • Morning Yoga Week 3 - REPLAY Weekly Live Class47:49
    Morning Yoga Week 3 - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 3 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  •  Morning Yoga Week 2 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class45:52
    Morning Yoga Week 2 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 2 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  • Morning Yoga Week 1 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class50:44
    Morning Yoga Week 1 Clive - REPLAY Weekly Live Class

    Clive Fogelman

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, Hatha Vinyasa class to start the day feeling grounded, energised, and open to the week ahead. This class is full of breath work, movement and relaxation. This is part 1 of a 3-part online series of live classes with Clive Fogelman.

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  • Morning Vinyasa Flow 3: Replay of Live Class45:20
    Morning Vinyasa Flow 3: Replay of Live Class

    Lucy McCarthy

    Wake up, move and breathe with the MFML community. This is an all-levels, well rounded vinyasa flow class to gently energise. There is plenty of breath work and movement to warm the body. The class focuses on back bending. It explores the delight of working on foundational alignment principles for backbends to create freedom in the lower back and expansion and ease in the chest and heart. This is part 3 of a 3-part online series of live classes with the MFML community.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Strong and Empowered36:20
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Strong and Empowered

    Clive Fogelman

    A Hatha yoga class to strengthen, enliven and feel empowered to start the day. An energising boost to start your day with a bang. This class starts on the back with core strengthening work, and continues on to a strengthening flow. This class is full of awakening and energising movements to make us feel strong and motivated to continue into the rest of our day.

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  • Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints44:23
    Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints

    Sally Parkes

    Pilates and Yoga for healthy, mobile and strong hip joints. If you're a regular yoga practitioner, or you sit for long periods, you may have weaker muscles in the areas surrounding the hips. This class uses Pilates and yoga moves to strengthen the hips by moving the body in different planes of motions and at different speeds. A great class for most of us who have weaker hip and glute muscles. You may use an exercise band, if you have one, but it's not necessary for the class, and some exercises are done next to the wall.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Openness26:07
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Openness

    Clive Fogelman

    A sense of open body and mind is essential to get the most out of life. Being open to all that life throws at us, as well as being physically open, flexible and strong helps us to feel like we can take on all of life's challenges. This hatha yoga class is designed to create openness and spacious in the body and mind. Starting with a bridge pose sequence for a feeling of openness in the chest and heart, moving to supine twists and gate pose to open up the side body. Then a beautiful sequence of gently paced standing poses, giving plenty of time for long breaths in all yoga poses, to connect with the spaciousness in the body. The class explores both openness within the body and that can support an openness to our mind and how we move forward from our practise into the rest of the day.

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  • Hatha Yoga To Feel Balanced28:08
    Hatha Yoga To Feel Balanced

    Clive Fogelman

    This creative Hatha Yoga class explores different aspects of balance - the balance between flowing and holding, movement and stillness, outward looking and inward looking, challenge and rest as well as exploring a few standing poses. Overall cultivating a balance between body and mind. A great way to start the day.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Introduction06:54
    Yoga for Back Care: Introduction

    Sally Parkes

    Welcome to the Yoga for Back Care. This is an introduction to the course, and may help you to use the classes. If you are currently feeling real back pain, wait until that settles before starting the course and see your health practitioner for their guidance. This introduction helps us to understand the anatomy of the spine, and how our spine works, so that when we practice our classes, we know how we're keeping the spine healthy, the impact our movements have on the sprine, and how we can increase our spinal health, care for our backs better, and reduce back pain.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus23:22
    Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus

    Sally Parkes

    The first in the yoga for back care series, this back care class is a gentle introduction to the larger muscles that make up your back, filled with gentle stretches and mobilizing your back. This class is mostly seated and suitable for most mobility levels. Although if you are currently experiencing back pain, do ask your health care practitioner before practicing.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength19:16
    Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength

    Sally Parkes

    This yoga for back care class is increasingly tougher, building up core strength! This class focuses on building up internal strength and activating the back muscles. This class builds on the back care classes deep core introduction class, the focus on this class is on increasing range of movement whilst activating the outer core, and why being able to activate the core is important for stabilisation of the spine and pelvis. You will need a chair.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles19:44
    Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles

    Sally Parkes

    The yoga for back care class is mostly either seated, on the back or on all fours and includes gentle, supported and floor-based movements to mobilise the shoulders, spine and pelvis. Combine mobilisation with conscious breathing and gentle stretching to release stiffness and increase the feeling of embodiment, really inhabiting and saying 'yes' to your body. Bring awareness to the entire body via the breath before bringing attention to the psoas, lower abdominal area and pelvic floor to practice how to activate and release these muscles, the deep core, in equal measures.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Building Strength28:38
    Yoga for Back Care: Building Strength

    Sally Parkes

    This Yoga class is perfect for back care, keeping your back strong and mobile. Class focuses on building core strength and mobility for the spine and hips - essential for back care. This really lovely Yoga for back care class focuses mostly on symmetrical standing movements as standing poses can help to build strength through the body, avoiding unnecessary stress on the back, particularly on the lower back area. chair and wall for support at various points too. This class is mostly standing poses. You will need a yoga block, or a book.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Enjoying Strength36:07
    Yoga for Back Care: Enjoying Strength

    Sally Parkes

    This Yoga for Back Care class focuses on strenthening the muscles which will help to keep your back strong. This class is stronger, suitable for intermediate yogis, moving more towards free standing movements now now to apply the principles learned in previous classes. This back care class is more fiesty, demanding a greater physical fitness and mobility, but with a focus on alignment and listening to the body and the information it feedbacks to us, should we choose to listen. You will need a yoga block, or book. And a sense of humility - if the posisitons in this class are too much, do go back to the other back care classes.

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  • Strength and Empowerment21:47
    Strength and Empowerment

    Petra Coveney

    Join Petra for this energising Hatha class designed to build bone and muscle strength while also boosting your brain and heart health. This short sequence includes modifications for osteopenia and lower back pain as well as frozen shoulders, which are common menopause symptoms of low oestrogen.

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  • Rise and Shine 215:30
    Rise and Shine 2

    Clive Fogelman

    Rise and Shine, again! The second in the Rise and Shine series, back due to popular demand. Really simple 10 movements to gently start the day. No need for a yoga mat, these are movements to increase circulation and joint mobility with a little bit of strength. All from standing. Use it as a warm up for other classes or in the morning to get the body going. Equally good as a midday energiser or at the end of the day if you've been sitting for long periods or driving. A great way to break up the dy and feel more refreshed, centered and focused for the day ahead.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Air Element 01:04:48
    Vinyasa Flow: Air Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Air. The focus of this class is on the breath. Moving in a variety of standing poses using different Pranayama techniques to connect with the wind element and utilise the delivery of Prana, (life force to heal, inspire and transform our physical, energetic and mental forms) to find our way back home at our true centre, our heart.

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