Sleep has been proven to be one of the key factors in your optimum health, and yoga, meditation and breathing can be key to improving your sleep health. Because there is simply nothing better than a good night’s rest, we’ve got a challenge with yoga classes for the morning to get you moving and evening classes to help you to relax. We have restorative classes to help with managing your energy and meditation to calm and soothe your mind. We think that at the end of this challenge your snooze-time is bound to be better.

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This challenge is for you! And for all of us who could do with a better night’s sleep. Let us help you to clean up your sleep routine for good and get some good-quality kip.

Your Classes

Relax Big, Sleep Deep
Relax Big, Sleep Deep

26:01 | Lucy McCarthy

Relax Big, Sleep Deep

A sweet, nourishing and deeply relaxing sequence to help you drop away tension and stress. Moving through forward folds, this flow class is perfect for those challenged by sleep issues but also great stress release yoga class for practicing anytime. You will need two blocks.

MoveTime Teacher Level
26:01 Lucy McCarthy Beginners
Additional Material
  • Wakey Wakey Sleepy Head27:32
    Wakey Wakey Sleepy Head
  • Step
    Tension Buster Sleep Seducer
    Tension Buster Sleep Seducer

    22:58 | Lucy McCarthy

    Tension Buster Sleep Seducer

    A tension freeing practice to help shake off and rinse out blockages and habitual holdings that get in the way of relaxing deeply. Ideal for releasing stress, rinsing out frustrations and emptying out stagnant energy. Perfect for after work and with a long savasana, great for before bed. You'll need an eye-cover.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    22:58 Lucy McCarthy All Levels
    Additional Material
  • Rise and Shine26:27
    Rise and Shine
  • Step
    Quiet Mind, Deep Surrender
    Quiet Mind, Deep Surrender

    23:10 | Lucy McCarthy

    Quiet Mind, Deep Surrender

    A meditative, peace-inducing practice to calm the busy mind and drop deeply into the body. Perfect for when there is inner chaos and a tired body. With a focus on breath-work, there are some standing poses to help harmonise body and breath and create an inner calm. A great class for before bedtime or towards the end of the day to start a peaceful evening. You will need a block & eye-bag.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    23:10 Lucy McCarthy Beginners
    Additional Material
  • Good Morning Flow21:10
    Good Morning Flow
  • Step
    Restorative: Full Body Airing
    Restorative: Full Body Airing

    17:34 | Naomi Absalom

    Restorative: Full Body Airing

    A very peaceful guided restorative sequence, just a couple of poses and more focus on the meditative aspects of this very quiet practice. A brilliant way to end the day. You will need two blocks or a bolster.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    17:34 Naomi Absalom All Levels
    Additional Material
  • Awaken to Yoga22:59
    Awaken to Yoga
  • Step
    Better Sleep: Settle down for sleep
    Better Sleep: Settle down for sleep

    24:08 | Lisa Sanfilippo

    Better Sleep: Settle down for sleep

    This is yoga to enable you to settle down to sleep, you can even do this practice in bed. Lisa gives you the essential poses and breathing to settle the nervous system ready for rest. She also shares some acupressure points known to help with calming and soothing the body to rest.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    24:08 Lisa Sanfilippo Improvers
    Additional Material
  • Go with the Flow25:09
    Go with the Flow
  • Step
    Relax and Soothe into the Evening
    Relax and Soothe into the Evening

    25:28 | Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Relax and Soothe into the Evening

    This yin yoga class is entirely at the wall. This means that the wall will aid you to relax and deepen your positions, you can relax into the wall so that tension melts away. This class is the perfect antidote for after a busy day at work. Using a wall changes the bloodflow and improves circulation. You will need a bolster.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    25:28 Andrea Kwiatkowski Beginners
    Additional Material
  • Greet the day flow26:01
    Greet the day flow
  • Step
     Peace and Breath
    Peace and Breath

    17:20 | Norman Blair

     Peace and Breath

    A very quiet and gentle yoga class. All yoga poses are supine and held for a period, where the body is calmed and quieted and attention is turned inward. Then Norman leads a breath practice at sitting. You may need a cushion or block for sitting still. Great for times where you are looking to reduce stress/anxiety and perfect for before bed when you are looking to quiet the mind and gently stretch the body.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    17:20 Norman Blair Beginners
    Additional Material
  • Good Morning Core17:07
    Good Morning Core
  • Step
    Induce Sleep
    Induce Sleep

    32:57 | Joo Teoh

    Induce Sleep

    This class is a mixture of yoga and qigong to help you to release anxiety, quiet your mind, clear your mind and prepare for sleep. Movements are gengle and accessible and don't involve full stretches, you are encouraged to not take a full stretch, but to use a chair or perhaps the edge of your bed for some of the yoga poses.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    32:57 Joo Teoh Beginners
    Restorative Yoga
    Restorative Yoga

    43:41 | Clive Fogelman

    Restorative Yoga

    A very peaceful restorative class which which great for giving yourself some nurture at the end of a busy day. Great to help you to relax before you go to sleep, only a few, deep poses and plenty of guided visualisations/meditations. You will need cushions or a bolster.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    43:41 Clive Fogelman Beginners
    Inner Axis: Sleep Health Sequence
    Inner Axis: Sleep Health Sequence

    31:17 | Max Strom

    Inner Axis: Sleep Health Sequence

    A wonderful class to do before bed to calm and relax yourself to prepare for a deep, healthy sleep. Expect supine stretches, a calming focus on the breath and standing poses to help you to focus on deepening your breath. Practice finishes with your legs up the wall, you'll need to be near the wall for this. Enjoy and sleep well. You will need a strap or belt and 2 blocks or books.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    31:17 Max Strom All Levels
    Sleep Well Meditation
    Sleep Well Meditation

    14:56 | Alexander Filmer-Lorch

    Sleep Well Meditation

    A beautiful meditation to leave you feeling very peaceful and fully relaxed, ready for bed. A great practice if your mind is feeling busy and you need to deeply settle, suitable for meditation beginners. Thanks to Flow Tunbridge Wells for providing this beautiful location for filming.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    14:56 Alexander Filmer-Lorch Beginners
    Restore yourself: Drop into stillness
    Restore yourself: Drop into stillness

    42:21 | Joo Teoh

    Restore yourself: Drop into stillness

    A great yoga class to end a frantic day. This class winds you down and prepares you to drop into deep peaceful sleep. With hatha and restorative poses, this class is a great way into a settled and calming evening. Class starts standing with gentle neck rolls, then gentle hip stretches and finally lying down in long holds so you can drop into a meditative state. Although class calls for two bolsters, rolled blankets or cushions will work just as well.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    42:21 Joo Teoh All Levels
    Sleep SOS
    Sleep SOS

    05:33 | Lucy McCarthy

    Sleep SOS

    5 minute practice for emergencies! Maybe you've woken up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep - take this class to switch you back into blissful slumber. You will need a block, bolster or cushion to sit on.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    05:33 Lucy McCarthy All Levels
    Cultivating Vitality
    Cultivating Vitality

    01:06:00 | Adrianna Zaccardi

    Cultivating Vitality

    Although we may believe the restorative yoga is best before bed, this practice has been designed for you to practice first thing in the morning, so that you may experience the level of presence and vitality as it filter through your day. Granted this may be on the weekend, but do try it and experience first hand your vitality through this nourishing restorative practice.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    01:06:00 Adrianna Zaccardi Beginners
    Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness
    Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness

    26:33 | Robin Watkins - Davis

    Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness

    A few stretches to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relax the body, guided relaxation: body scan, breath counting and image visualisation, this yoga nidra is inspired from: Yoga Nidra book by Yoga Publications Trust

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    26:33 Robin Watkins - Davis Beginners
    Evening Pause
    Evening Pause

    22:10 | Adam Hocke

    Evening Pause

    Wind-down before bed and ensure a restful sleep. This short and simple practice will take you from anxiety to rest. Beginning with a few active postures and leading to 10 minutes of restorative rest. You will need a bolster and access to a chair.

    MoveTime Teacher Level
    22:10 Adam Hocke All Levels